Friday, June 28, 2013

Truffle bags

They've taken over my Instgram feed and just about every blogger I follow has one. One what? A Truffle Bag
Truffle Classic Clarity
My black Longchamp is heavenly, but it's also a black hole. Everything I toss in there ends up in the bottom. I use some small pouches but they get so full and expand so my bag barely fits under my arm anymore. It's just another pouch but I. Want. One. 
Truffle Classic Clarity     
Does anyone have a Truffle bag? Do you love it? Hate it? How do you keep your bag organized?

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


Kate Spade is killin it right now!

I recently ordered these beauties and I love them, so perfect with my summer attire!
How perfect would this be for a day on the green?

I am OBSESSED with these! Not in my budget right now but how hard do you think it would be to saw a golf ball in half? DIY?

Happy Shopping!


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Tumblr Tuesday

What's inspiring me this week (my boyfriend and my friend Adam both have birthdays this Friday so this week is a bi party themed!):
I'm kinda over this hot and muggy weather in DC, when can I wear this?

Monday, June 24, 2013

G.L.A.M.! Summer Fashion Event!

Thanks to the lovely ladies over at Sweet Lemon Magazine, I found out about G.L.A.M. and their summer fashion event (read their writeup here!).

On Thursday I stayed late at the office so I could meet up with Dana and Alex. We headed over to the Capitol South Metro where we were picked up in an Uber car. I've heard about the service before, but man is it ever nice! The event was not close to any Metro stops so we decided to utilize the coupon I had and ride with Uber. I could not have had a better experience. 

Check out Uber DC and if you're interested in trying it, use my promo code for $10 off your first ride!

So after we got to the event I picked up my VIP bag (can't wait to use my Blow Dry Bar gift card!) and we got a drink. The event was fun, we were able to shop around a couple pop-up boutiques and enjoy some great company for a good cause. 

Myself with Alex and Dana
Not to brag but we're also kind famous. Someone took our photo for a DC events blog and it came out on Friday! Here's the link! How cool!!

I had a great time at the event and with these ladies, can't wait for our next adventure!