I've been dating C for over a year now and 7 of those 12 months have been long distance. At first when C moved to Washington DC I thought we would never make it. But over the months we have learned some tricks to making those 500 long miles seem just a little shorter.
1. Couple App
This app for Iphone and Android is made for couples who are apart. You can share moments on your timeline (anything that is important to you). You can also sketch together, send your location, send pictures and voice messages, and 'thumb kiss'. A thumb kiss is when you place your thumb on the screen and wait for your partner to place his/her thumb in the same spot, when you do your phone will vibrate. It may not be a real kiss, but it feels like something.
2. Watch a movie or TV show 'together'
Chet and I started watching Breaking Bad 'together'. We would both watch one episode and then call each other afterward to discuss. If your not afraid of going to the movies alone, you can also do this with a movie in the theater. Just pick a similar time and call each other when you get out.
3. Skype or FaceTime
Skype is the ultimate long distance tool. It's easy to see each other face to face and have 'Skype dates'.
4. Countdowns
I use a countdown app on my phone to show me how long until we see each other again or another milestone in our relationship. I had a countdown until our one year anniversary and I have a countdown now for the next time I fly to DC (20 days!!). It helps to be able to see the time passing and knowing you'll see each other soon.