Sunday, November 17, 2013

Apartment Decor

There's less than 4 weeks until I move into my new apartment in DC! I cannot wait! I've been drooling over throw pillows, sheets, candles, and general decor. Here are some of my favorites:

Washington DC Metro Poster - 20x20
The Metro and I might not get along but I love this minimalistic print from Etsy.

Gold Wishbone Wall Hook
I love this for keys/coats next to the front door or in the bathroom for towels.

Sigh. I am so in love with this duvet cover. 
I plan on buying a couple of these to spice up an Ikea dresser.

I would love to have my two homes on toss pillows to throw on our futon!

Friday, November 8, 2013

101 in 1,001 - Recipe binder

I found the perfect recipe binder. Emily Ley paper never ceases to amaze me. I have had my eye on her Simplified planner for some time now but when she introduced the new binder this past summer, I was an unpaid intern who needed to buy groceries and not pretty paper. She posted an AMAZING deal on some imperfect planners and I am in love. I will start using it full time in January, it's currently sitting on my desk looking pretty.
So, Emily Ley has some amazing sales. I've been on the lookout for Christmas presents and I saw a great deal on her Simplified Recipe binders. Well, I had to have it. And I purchased extras for gifts. 

When I ordered I didn't really know what the inside of the binder looked like but when it arrived I was pleased to find a large D ring that was large enough to hold ALL of my recipes! 

I love Emily Ley's online shop, check it out

Thursday, November 7, 2013

My favorite TV shows {part 1}

The Mindy Project
I get together with my good friend Kathleen every Tuesday and we cook dinner and watch Mindy. This girl is hilarious. I don't usually laugh out loud but it's hard not to during this show!

Breaking Bad
I cannot say enough about how much I love Breaking Bad. It's a nail biting, tear jerking roller coaster ride of a show and C and I managed to finish the whole series in about 3 months.
My guilty pleasure. Not realistic or educational at all. But I love it. A good friend of mine who I interned with in DC over the summer told me to watch it and I was HOOKED. I even bought Hulu Plus to see the second season. Netflix now has season 1 and 2, anyone down for a marathon?